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The entire configuration is done through the .env file at the root of the IRIS directory.

Default configuration

The default configuration is provided through a .env.model file at the root of the IRIS directory. One need to copy this file to .env and modify it if needed.

The default configuration is suitable for testing only. See the section below to configure IRIS for production.

Production configuration


Required changes

The following secrets in the .env need to be changed for production.
We recommend using OpenSSL to generate different values from each secret:
openssl rand -base64 64

  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password of the postgres user
  • POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Password of the db admin user
  • IRIS_SECRET_KEY: Key used by Flask to secure the session cookies
  • IRIS_SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT: A salt used for password encryption in the DB

Make sure the DB password does not contain symbols that could be interpreted as an DB url (i.e # and @).

Critical configuration

These settings are critical and need to be set properly otherwise authentication bypass may occur.

Optionnal changes

To automate the provisionning of IRIS, one might need to set the default administrator API token and password. This can be achieve with the following environment variables.
If those variables are not set, random ones are generated during the very first boot of the application.


The administrator password is printed in the logs. It is recommended to change it as soon as possible. The set of the following environment variables has no effect once the administrator account is created, i.e after the very first boot.

  • IRIS_ADM_PASSWORD: Password of the administrator account. The password need to match the default password policy or the administrator won't be able to login,
  • IRIS_ADM_API_KEY: API key of the administrator. A random long string. No verification for the complexity is done. We recommend using openssl rand -base64 64


IRIS is configured to use a self-signed certificate by default. This is suitable for testing only.
To use your own certificate, you need to set the following environment variables:

  • KEY_FILENAME: The filename of the key file in the certificates/web_certificates directory at the root of the IRIS directory
  • CERT_FILENAME: The filename of the certificate file in the certificates/web_certificates directory at the root of the IRIS directory

Once the changes are done, nginx docker container need to be rebuilt with the following command:

docker-compose stop nginx
docker-compose build nginx --no-cache
docker-compose up 



IRIS can be configured to use LDAP authentication. See the Authentication section for more details.

Available settings

These environment variables are availabled to be set.

Key Section Opt Description
SERVER_NAME Nginx No Passed to the server_name in NGINX configuration
KEY_FILENAME Nginx No SSL Cert key filename passed to the NGINX configuration
CERT_FILENAME Nginx No SSL Cert filename passed to the NGINX configuration
INTERFACE_HTTPS_PORT Nginx Yes Listening interface of IRIS
POSTGRES_ADMIN_USER DB No Name of the admin user
POSTGRES_DB DB No Name of the DB used by IRIS
POSTGRES_SERVER DB No Hostname or IP of the DB
POSTGRES_PORT DB No Port of the DB server
DOCKERIZED IRIS Yes Set to 1 when using dockers (default)
IRIS_SECRET_KEY IRIS No Secret key used to secure sessions - needs to be random
IRIS_SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT IRIS No Secret used to salt the passwords in DB - needs to be random
IRIS_UPSTREAM_SERVER IRIS No WebApp upstream server - used to configure nginx reverse proxy
IRIS_UPSTREAM_PORT IRIS No WebApp upstream server port - used to configure nginx reverse proxy
IRIS_ORGANISATION_NAME IRIS No Name of the company / organisation. Used on the UI
IRIS_LOGIN_BANNER_TEXT IRIS No Text displayed on the login page
IRIS_LOGIN_PTFM_CONTACT IRIS No Contact information displayed on the login page
IRIS_UPLOADED_PATH IRIS No Path to store uploaded data.
IRIS_BACKUP_PATH IRIS No Path to store backup files.
IRIS_TEMPLATES_PATH IRIS No Path of the templates
IRIS_DATASTORE_PATH IRIS No Path of the datastore files
IRIS_DEMO_ENABLED Demo No Set to True to switch IRIS to Demo mode
IRIS_DEMO_DOMAIN Demo No URL of the demonstration server
IRIS_DEMO_USER_SEED Demo No Random seed to generate demo users
IRIS_DEMO_ADM_SEED Demo No Random seed to generate admin users for demo
CELERY_BROKER Celery No Broker URL used to handle IRIS tasks
IRIS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE Auth No IRIS auth mode : local or ldap
IRIS_ADM_PASSWORD Auth Yes Set to use as initial password of the administrator account. Only works for the very first run of IRIS. Needs to match the password policy
IRIS_ADM_API_KEY Auth Yes Set to use as initial API Key of the administrator
IRIS_ADM_EMAIL Auth Yes Set to use as initial email of the administrator
IRIS_ADM_USERNAME Auth Yes Set to use as initial username of the administrator
LDAP_SERVER Auth Yes LDAP server IP or domain
LDAP_PORT Auth Yes LDAP server port
LDAP_USER_PREFIX Auth Yes Prefix to search the users within
LDAP_USER_SUFFIX Auth Yes Suffix to search the users within
LDAP_USE_SSL Auth Yes Set to True to use LDAPS
LDAP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE Auth Yes Set to True to verify the server certificate validity
LDAP_TLS_VERSION Auth Yes TLS version to use LDAPS
LDAP_SERVER_CERTIFICATE Auth Yes Path of the LDAP server certificate
LDAP_PRIVATE_KEY Auth Yes Path of the LDAP private certificate
LDAP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD Auth Yes Password of the private key
LDAP_CUSTOM_TLS_CONFIG Auth Yes If set to true, the TLS configuration is not set by IRIS and taken from the defined environment. Default to False
OIDC_ISSUER_URL Auth Yes The URL of the OIDC issuers
OIDC_CLIENT_ID Auth Yes The unique identifier for your client in the OIDC system
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET Auth Yes Your client's secret key for OAuth 2.0 authentication
OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT Auth Yes The endpoint for initiating the OIDC authentication flow
OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT Auth Yes The endpoint to exchange an authorization grant for a token
OIDC_END_SESSION_ENDPOINT Auth Yes The endpoint that tells the OpenID Provider to end the session
OIDC_SCOPES Auth Yes Comma-separated list of scopes for your OIDC application
OIDC_MAPPING_USERNAME Auth Yes The attribute name or mapping for the username in IRIS
OIDC_MAPPING_EMAIL Auth Yes The attribute name or mapping for email in IRIS