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Module IRIS

Introduced in IRIS v2.4.11


This module is installed but not registered by default. To register it, head to the Advanced > Modules > Add module and input iris_seika_module.

This module offers an interface with Seika and IRIS to automatically enrich IOCs with insight.
The source code is available here. It is installed by default but not registered and needs to be configured to be enabled.


Two types of enrichment mechanism are proposed :

  • Manual : right-click on one or more IOCs and select Get Seika insight. This sends the targets IOCs to the module and insights will be fetched and applied.
  • Automatic:
    • On create : This automatically fetch Seika insight for newly created IOC
    • On update : This automatically fetch Seika insight upon updates of an IOC

The following types of IOCs are handled by the module :

  • ip-*

The insight request on an IOC not handled is simply ignored.

Two types of insights are proposed :

  • tags : The module adds the following tags depending on the results of the Seika analysis:
    • seika:friendly : the IOC is known to be friendly
    • seika:scan : the IOC has been seen executing scans
    • seika:exploit : the IOC has been seen exploiting vulnerabilities
    • seika:bruteforce : the ioct has been seen bruteforcing
  • new attribute : This adds a new attribute to the IOC with the Seika insight. It is based on a configurable template.


The behavior of the module can be configured as needed. Head to the Advanced > Modules > IrisSeika to change it.

  • Seika API Key : API key used by the module to connect to Seika. Obtain it at
  • Manual triggers on IOCs : Provides a right-click menu option on IOCs to trigger the Seika module on selected elements.
  • Triggers automatically on IOC create: If set to true, the module runs each time an IOC is created. Disabled by default.
  • Triggers automatically on IOC update: If set to true, the module runs each time an IOC is updated. Disabled by default.
  • Assign ASN tag to IP : If set to true, assigns the country code to the target IP IOC.
  • Add Seika report as new IOC attribute: Creates a new attribute on the IOC, base on the Seika report. Templates define on this configuration are used.
  • IP report template: Jinja2 report template for IP IOCs. Refers to the raw report to assess which fields are available.

Seika API Key

The Seika API key is obtained from the website. It is used to authenticate the module to the Seika API.