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IRIS is meant to be plug-able and be integrated with the existing environments.

Through the REST API, one can do almost as much as it is possible to do through the web interface. Under the hood, the web interface is actually talking to the API.

The API endpoints are reachable on the same port as the web interface, i.e 443/HTTPS by default.


A Python client is available here to ease the automation.

API Keys

The first step is to obtain an API key. Each user is automatically attributed one when it is created.
It can be found on the left panel, under username and My Settings.

Access Token

Token exposure

In case the token is exposed and needs to be changed, a new one can be generated with the Renew option. Renewing a token revokes the previous.


The API constantly evolves with IRIS and thus multiple versions exists.
Use the references below to check which API version applies to your IRIS version. Starting from IRIS v1.4.0, the supported API version can also be checked in the UI Advanced > Server settings.

IRIS Version API Version & Reference
v1.2.0 API v1.0.0
v1.2.1 API v1.0.0
v1.3.0 API v1.0.1
v1.3.1 API v1.0.1
v1.4.0 API v1.0.2
v1.4.1 API v1.0.2
v1.4.2 API v1.0.2
v1.4.3 API v1.0.3
v1.4.4 API v1.0.3
v1.4.5 API v1.0.3
v2.0.x API v2.0.0
v2.1.x API v2.0.1
v2.2.x API v2.0.1
v2.3.x API v2.0.2
v2.4.x API v2.0.4

How to use

The API token is used as a Bearer and needs to be present in the header Authorization when issuing requests. For example, to list all the cases:

   curl --request GET \
  --url http://<yourserver_ip>/manage/cases/list?cid=1 \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer mWpCUVNzBMU5EnbIAK50jLPhYjKBTHZjobdogc_n_yixpJTmt9tzAf8WYDI7m5XgB9wCJnlaXlHIh9RZjtp2fA' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The only way to revoke a token is to renew the current one. Once done, the previous API token does not exist anymore in the database and it becomes ineffective.